LApimplk4l (comments)

Displaying 1 - 20 of 21 comments

hey !everyone who goes on this blog ; listen up !
well, louie forgot his password [ typical ]
& he's too lazy to make a new one so yeah if you were talking to him:
sorry, but if he ever makes one just check my blog & he'll probably be on my bestfriends thing .

okay well thats mostly it ; byee

Posted by xMiSSMiNDLESSx on Jan 19, 08 12:29 am · History

hey i like your blog

Posted by ilikechocolatemilk on Dec 21, 07 1:11 pm · History

no problemo(:
iloveyoutoo .

Posted by xMiSSMiNDLESSx on Dec 19, 07 1:22 am · History

of course i can .
you guys would be really cutee .

Posted by xMiSSMiNDLESSx on Dec 19, 07 1:19 am · History

mhmm .

Posted by xMiSSMiNDLESSx on Dec 19, 07 1:17 am · History

okay well cause i know you like her; yes she does [:

Posted by xMiSSMiNDLESSx on Dec 19, 07 1:15 am · History

heythere louie(:

Posted by xMiSSMiNDLESSx on Dec 19, 07 1:10 am · History


Posted by surfer825 on Dec 15, 07 12:54 pm · History

aaahh i got a thinking cramp

Posted by ilikechocolatemilk on Nov 16, 07 9:39 pm · History

haha kol [:

Posted by xMiSSMiNDLESSx on Sep 22, 07 5:14 pm · History

so ur going for sur?

Posted by xMiSSMiNDLESSx on Sep 22, 07 5:13 pm · History

hey louie! :D
nothin much
cept for shopping with u guys [:

Posted by xMiSSMiNDLESSx on Sep 22, 07 5:11 pm · History

pretty good
nice :)

Posted by omgitskatie on Sep 22, 07 5:07 pm · History

so wats up?

Posted by omgitskatie on Sep 22, 07 5:04 pm · History

hey louie :)

Posted by omgitskatie on Sep 22, 07 5:00 pm · History

yea sure[:

Posted by xMiSSMiNDLESSx on Sep 16, 07 5:43 pm · History

aaron alex nick me ash jess & michaela r gonna go around 3 or l8r

Posted by xMiSSMiNDLESSx on Sep 16, 07 5:42 pm · History

well yea jw

Posted by xMiSSMiNDLESSx on Sep 16, 07 5:39 pm · History

y? i mean lik wat did he do 2 u?

Posted by xMiSSMiNDLESSx on Sep 16, 07 5:36 pm · History

o btw do u lik h8 alex?

Posted by xMiSSMiNDLESSx on Sep 16, 07 5:34 pm · History

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